Fees / Costs

Fees / Costs

12th SIA Biennial Conference -  Conference Fees

Registration Fees (inclusive of tax and
all fees - no surprises)

Full Price

(Defence &





 Two Day Conference Fee (2 days)

$1700 $1020 $680 $425 $1275
Single Day Conference (Day 1 or Day 2) $1020 $612 $408 $255 $765
Opening Reception  $100 $100 $100 $100 $100
Dinner  $160 $160 $160 $160 $160

* To qualify for the SIA Member rate, you must have joined the SIA before  Friday 1 March 2024 and have subscriptions valid to 30 June 2025 ( or later) by 1800 on Tuesday 30 April 2024. 
Members who bring their subscriptions up to date before 31 July 2024 will be eligible for registration at the Defence/Small Business rate.
Thereafter, member subscriptions are treated as lapsed and SIA member discounts will not be available, even if subscription status is restored.
Please note that joining the SIA after 24 March 2024 will not provide access to the SIA Member rate.

Discount Rate
The SIA offers discounted registration as follows:

  1. (60%) SIA members who were members on 1 March 2024 and whose subscriptions were paid up to 30/6/2025 before 1 May 2024; 6 digit SIA membership number (SIA-XXXXXX)
  2. (40%) People with a defence.gov.au email address AND a PMKeyS number; DEFENCE
  3. (40%) Employees of Australian-owned Small-Medium Enterprises (turnover <$A50m, 1-200 employees); SMALLBUSINESS
  4. (40%) Existing SIA members who bring their subscriptions up to date between 1 May and 31 July 2024; SIA-XXXXXX
  5. (40%) People with an active educational (.edu) email address; ACADEMIC
  6. (25%) Members of IMarEST; ImarEST
  7. (75%) Full-time students who are not otherwise employed with an active educational email address. STUDENT
  8. Discounts apply only to Conference Fees, social events are  available only at the normal rate.
  9. A 10% Early Bird discount will apply to Conference Fees until 5 July 2024. 

Cost-Recovery Rate
A special cost-recovery registration rate is offered to:

  1. Serving Australian submariners; SUBMARINES
  2. Defence members and contractors employed in Australian Government submarine organisations (e.g. Nuclear Submarine Task Force);
  3. Retired people; RETIRED
  4. Full-time students.

Speakers: Presenters of Papers accepted following the Call for Presentations are entitled to complimentary registration. Attendance at social events will be charged at the normal rate.

SIA Membership: Delegates who register for two days of the Conference are entitled to complimentary joining fees for membership of the SIA (standard subscriptions apply after 30 June 2025).  Application needs to be made before 31 December 2024.

To join the SIA click here and then click 'Applications'.  


SIA Conferences
General Information
Fees / Costs
Sponsorship & Advertising

SIA Conference Partners

Serco - Gold Sponsor [more]
Defence West - Bronze Sponsor [more]
ASC Pty Ltd - Bronze Sponsor [more]
Defence SA - DInner Sponsor [more]
PMB Defence: Q and A Sponsor [more]
Babcock Pty Ltd - Satchels Sponsor [more]
L3Harris Mission Systems Australia - Lanyards Sponsor [more]
HTR Group - Coffee Van Sponsor [more]
Acacia Systems - Plenary Day Lunch [more]
JEDS - Wednesday Lunch Break Sponsor [more]
JFD Australia - Pre-Dinner Drinks Sponsor [more]
BlueZone Group - Tuesday Morning Session Break [more]
PGM Environment - Tuesday Afternoon Session Break [more]
Australian Defence Magazine - Media Partner [more]
ALARP Solutions - Wednesday Morning Session Break Sponsor [more]

© Copyright Submarine Institute Australia