Submarine Institute of Australia

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SIA Media Release - WA Premier Defence Navy to address submarine conference tomorrow


17th November 2019

Media Release – 18 November 2019


Western Australia’s Premier, Hon Mark McGowan MLA, senior officials from Australia’s Department of Defence and senior officers from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) headline the plenary sessions tomorrow (Tuesday, 19 November) at the 5th Submarine Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2019 (SubSTEC5) in Fremantle.

The federal Shadow Minister for Defence, Hon Richard Marles MP, is also speaking at the conference tomorrow.

The theme for SubSTEC5, which is convened by the Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA), is “innovation and investment in the sub-sea environment”.

Highlights of tomorrow’s program include:

  • 8.30am-8.50am – “Welcome to Western Australia”, Hon Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia.
  • 8.55am-9.20am – “The relevance of submarines and the sub-sea environment to Australia’s strategic situation”, Rear Admiral Mark Hammond AM, RAN, Deputy Chief of Navy (representing the Chief of Navy).
  • 9.25am-9.50am – “The Future Submarine Program – an update”, Rear Admiral Gregory Sammut AO, CSC, RAN, General Manager Submarines, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, Department of Defence.
  • 10.30am-10.55am – “Autonomy and the future of undersea warfare”, Dr David Kershaw, Chief of Maritime Division, Defence, Science and Technology Group, Department of Defence.
  • 11.30am-11.55am – “The French Connection”, General (Armament) Yannick Cailliez, Direction Generale de l’Armement (French government defence agency), France.
  • 1.35pm-2pm – “State of the Union”, Captain Doug Theobald CSC, RAN, Commander, Submarine Force, Royal Australian Navy.
  • 2.05pm-2.30pm – “View from the Opposition”, Hon Richard Marles MP, Shadow Minister for Defence.
  • 2.35pm-3pm – “A Perspective on Submarine Issues and Opportunities”, Mr Matt Moran, Executive Director, Defence West and Ms Michele Clement, Director, Defence Science Centre (WA).
  • 3.35pm-4pm – “Collins class submarines – current waterfront issues”, Commander Matt Butcher RAN, Collins Class Lifecycle Engineering Officer, Royal Australian Navy.
  • Approximately 8.30pm – Conference dinner speaker: Commodore Bob Trotter OAM, RAN (retired), President, Submarines Association Australia will speak about Fremantle-based submarine operations during World War 2.

Tomorrow’s plenary sessions are taking place at the Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle.

For those who are unable to attend SubSTEC5, regular updates will be posted to the SIA’s social media channels and website during the conference.

The full program for the event can be found here.

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