Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Release - Keynote address from Minister for Defence tomorrow


15th November 2020

Media Release – 16 November 2020


A series of addresses from global submarine and defence leaders – including Australia’s Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC – headline tomorrow’s opening plenary sessions of the 10th Biennial Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) Conference 2020.

The plenary sessions commence at Canberra’s Hotel Realm at 8.15am (local time) tomorrow (Tuesday, 17 November) and continue all day.

SIA Executive Director, David Nicholls said: “We are fortunate that coronavirus pandemic restrictions have eased to permit around 100 delegates to attend the conference in person in Canberra and 2020 will be the first SIA conference to be beamed live around the world via online subscription.

“We have delegates participating virtually from the US, the UK and Singapore, as well as from across Australia.

“The stellar line-up of speakers and the conference theme – submarine build and sustainment programs: the strategic nature of reliable sovereign supply chains – reinforces that this is Indo-Pacific’s leading forum on submarines.”

Highlights of tomorrow’s plenary sessions follow (all times are Canberra time).

Tuesday, 17 November

  • 8.30am-9am – “Sovereignty as a capability”, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan AO, RAN, Chief of Navy.
  • 9am-9.30am – “Submarine shipbuilding supply chains”, Professor Don Winter, Chair, Naval Shipbuilding Advisory Board.
  • 9.30am-10am – “US Navy submarine supply chain experiences”, Rear Admiral David Goggins USN, Program Executive Officer for Submarines, US Navy.
  • 10am-10.30am – “The Future Submarine Program – an update”, Mr Gregory Sammut, General Manager, Submarines, Capability, Acquisition and Sustainment Group, Department of Defence.
  • 11am-11.30am – Keynote address, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence.
  • 11.30am-12pm – “Superior submarines require superior research and development”, Professor Tanya Monro – Chief Defence Scientist (Australia).
  • 12pm-12.30pm – “The state of the union”, Commodore Tom Phillips RAN, Director General, Submarine Capability, Royal Australian Navy.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm – Panel discussion “The importance of sovereign supply chains”:
    • Mr Graeme Bent, Program Director, Naval Group Australia
    • Mr Peter Jennings, Executive Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
    • Mr John Chandler, Director, Future Submarine Combat System Program, Lockheed Martin Australia
    • Ms Tanya Pimblett, Head of Commercial and Supply Chain, Maritime Services Group, ASC
  • 2.30pm-3.30pm – Panel discussion “Australian industry capability – is it the panacea of the supply chain?”
    • Mr Brent Clark, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Industry and Defence Network
    • Mr Innes Willox, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Industry Group
    • Mr Glenn Thompson, Assistant National Secretary, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • 4pm-4.30pm – “The view from the Opposition”, Hon Richard Marles MP, Shadow Minister for Defence.
  • 4.30pm-5pm – “The view from France”, Vice Admiral Jean-Philippe Chaineau FN, Commander, Strategic and Ocean Submarine Force, French Navy.

The speaker at the conference dinner, which is taking place tomorrow (Tuesday) night, is Mr Ian McPhedran, journalist and author.

The full list of speakers for the conference be found here, while the complete program for the conference can be found here.

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