Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface

position: Vice President
name: Toff Idrus OAM
description: Having recently completed 17 months as the Executive Director of Defence West, Toff now operates his sole trader Defence and Executive consultancy business. A 23-year veteran as a Commissioned Engineer Officer in the Royal Australian Navy and as a submariner, together with some 15 years’ experience in a variety of commercial businesses and industry, Toff is uniquely credentialed to contribute and assist in shaping the strategic initiatives of the SIA as its incoming Vice President and assisting to further the cause of the Institute and its members.
While in the Navy Toff served operationally in the Middle East twice, received the US Bronze Star during one of those operational postings and is a recipient of the Medal of the Order of Australia. Toff retired from military service as a Navy Captain in 2007. He is a local of WA and together with his wife Rosemary of 34 years, Toff calls Safety Bay home. A father of two adult sons one of which is a paramedic in Perth and the other a ballet dancer in the Netherlands Toff now enjoys the independence of being a freelance management and strategic consultant.

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