Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Statement - Strategic Partnering Agreement


30th September 2018

Media Statement – 1 October 2018

Public statement from the President of the Submarine Institute of Australia, Mark Sander:

“It is important for the Future Submarine Program that the Strategic Partnering Agreement between the Australian Government and the design partner for the submarines, Naval Group, is agreed and signed as soon as possible.
“While the Collins-class submarines have turned out to be among the world’s best and it is a very different program from the Future Submarines, the Strategic Partnering Agreement should help avoid the issues with intellectual property that arose during the Collins program and all stakeholders must do their best to ensure this doesn’t happen with the Future Submarines.
“During the transition from the Collins-class submarines to the Future Submarines, there must be no gap in Australia’s sovereign submarine capability.”


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