Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Release - SIA pays tribute to Paul Allen


18th October 2018

Media Release – 19 October 2018

The Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) has paid tribute to Mr Paul Allen for the support he provided to the Australian submarine community.

Mr Allen, who has died, was a generous benefactor to the company which was established to search for and locate Australia’s first submarine, HMAS AE1.

“The SIA is saddened to hear of the death of Mr Paul Allen,” said SIA President, Mark Sander.

“He played an important role in supporting the 2018 survey of HMAS AE1 following its discovery in December 2017 after 103 years of fruitless searching.

“Mr Allen provided the services of his superbly equipped research vessel ‘Petrel’ to conduct the first detailed examination of the wreck of HMAS AE1 by a remotely-operated vehicle.

“His generosity allowed descendant families of the crew of the submarine to receive a form of closure more than 100 years after HMAS AE1 was lost.

“The fate of the pioneer submariners in HMAS AE1 was unknown for too long and Mr Allen’s assistance helped to solve one of Australia’s most significant military mysteries.”

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