Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Release - Minister for Defence to address submarine conference


28th October 2020

Media Release – 29 October 2020


Australia’s Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, will deliver the keynote address at the 10th Biennial Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) Conference, which is taking place in less than three weeks’ time.

The Minister’s presence significantly enhances what is already an excellent line-up of speakers for Indo-Pacific’s leading forum on submarines.

SIA President, Mark Sander said: “The Submarine Institute of Australia is delighted that the Minister has accepted our invitation to speak at this year’s conference.

“We anticipate that the Minister’s presentation will provide further insights into the implementation of the Australian Government’s 2020 Force Structure Plan and the 2020 Defence Strategic Update.

“This will be her first speech at an SIA conference as Minister for Defence.”

Minister Reynolds said: “The strategic challenges in our region and the importance of the maritime domain make submarines an indispensable asset for our nation’s defence.

“The crucial importance and versatile role of submarines is not only the view of the Australian Government, it is the view of every significant power in the region.

“I look forward to providing conference delegates with an update on our submarine plans as we transition from the Collins-class submarines to the most capable submarines Australia will put to sea, the Attack-class submarines.”

The theme of this year’s conference, which is taking place from 16-18 November in Canberra and via online subscription, is “Submarine build and sustainment programs: the strategic nature of reliable sovereign supply chains”.

To view the list of other confirmed speakers, please click here.

Registrations for the conference can be made through the SIA website, by clicking here. Where possible, preference for in-person attendance at the conference will be given to delegates who register the earliest.

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