Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Release - Less than three weeks until nuclear seminar


12th September 2019

Media Release – 13 September 2019


It’s less than three weeks until the public debate on nuclear energy steps up a notch when the Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) convenes a special seminar focusing on the issue.

The seminar will take place on Wednesday, 2 October at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra and its title is:

“A Nuclear Industry Future for Australia? Starting the Conversation.”

SIA President, Mark Sander said: “While the current Parliamentary inquiry into nuclear energy is welcome, its terms of reference don’t specifically include nuclear-powered submarines.

“While the SIA is actively participating in the inquiry, the upcoming seminar is a forum where the topic of nuclear energy, as well as the potential for nuclear submarines will be discussed and debated.”

Ticket sales for the event, which is now less than three weeks away, will close shortly.

Speakers/participants in the seminar include:

  • Hon Martin Ferguson AM, former Minister for Resources and Energy (keynote address);
  • Professor Lyndon Edwards, National Director, Australian Generation IV International Forum Research at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation/Adjunct Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University;
  • Mr Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute;
  • Professor Ian Lowe, Emeritus Professor of Science, Technology and Society, Griffith University;
  • Rear Admiral Steve Lloyd CBE, RN (retired), former head of UK Ministry of Defence nuclear submarine procurement;
  • Mr Peter Jennings PSM, Executive Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute;
  • Professor Tom Frame AM, Director – Public Leadership Research Group, UNSW Canberra;
  • Hon Stephen Conroy, former federal Cabinet Minister;
  • Professor Ken Baldwin, Director, Australian National University Energy Change Institute;
  • Mr Greg Ward, Chief of Staff to the Royal Commissioner, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission;
  • Mr Allan Behm, former federal ministerial Chief of Staff and Policy Advisor in the climate change, industry and defence materiel portfolios;
  • Dr Ben Heard, Consultant – Asset Performance, Frazer-Nash Consultancy;
  • Ms Katherine Ziesing, Editor, Australian Defence Magazine; and
  • A representative of the Minerals Council of Australia.

Further information about speakers/participants and how to book tickets can be found on the SIA website.

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