Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA Media Release - Executive Committee Changes


24th November 2016

Media Release – 25 November 2016


The Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) has elected Mr Mark Sander as its new President.

Mr Sander takes over from Mr Andy Keough, who has stepped down from the position and as a member of the SIA Executive Committee.

Mr Sander is a former submarine commanding officer with experience in the Royal Australian Navy and the Defence Materiel Organisation in the Australian Government, and he is currently a senior executive with Sonartech Atlas.

Other changes to the SIA Executive Committee are:

  • Mr Michael Deeks has been elected as Vice President (Mr Deeks is former President of the SIA who is Managing Director of Forgacs Marine & Defence);

  • Dr Andrew Davies has been elected to the committee (Mr Davies is Director – Defence & Strategy Program, Australian Strategic Policy Institute); and

  • Ms Katherine Ziesing has been elected to the committee (Ms Ziesing is Editor, Australian Defence Magazine).

Mr Frank Owen has been re-elected as Secretary and Mr Michael Fitzgerald has been re-elected as Treasurer. Mr Eric Fusil, Mr Terence Roach and Mr Chris Skinner have all been re-elected to the committee.

The SIA wishes to acknowledge the service of Mr Keough and the leadership he showed during his term as President.

The SIA would also like to recognise the contributions other outgoing members of the Executive Committee, Mr Brent Clark and Mr Peter Horobin.

The changes to the SIA Executive Committee took place at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting, which was held in Canberra last week.

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