Submarine Institute of Australia

Bringing discussion and research to the surface
SIA welcomes Budget provisions


10th May 2012


The Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) welcomes the Government’s recent Budget decision to commit an additional $100 million towards Collins submarine sustainment in 2012/13, as part of a total $709 million over the next four years.

SIA’s Executive Director, Commodore Steve Davies, said, “This funding will allow Defence to fix the stores and support problems that have dragged down Collins class availability over past years.  

“It is a recognition that Collins sustainment has been consistently under-funded since delivery of the last submarine ten years ago, but that Government is now fully committed to a strong submarine force for the future.”  

As Prime Minister Gillard remarked on Thursday 3 May 2012, "In our strategic environment we need strong maritime capabilities and that’s why we need a potent submarine force."

The funding boost for Collins sustainment comes shortly after the announcement of $214 million for studies into the Future Submarine - adding up to almost $1 billion for submarines over the next four years. 

Davies concludes, “This is a massive commitment to the submarine capability in a time of tight budget constraints and demonstrates a vote of confidence in the future of this vital capability.”

For more information or interviews with SIA Executive Director Commodore Steve Davies please contact:

Jenny Coyle                      c/- Devahasdin     Submarine Institute of Australia Inc
(08) 9226 2222                                                

About the Submarine Institute of Australia

Established in 1999, the SIA is a not-for-profit body that has as its objective: ‘To promote informed discussion and research in the fields of submarine operations, engineering, history and commercial sub-sea engineering - otherwise known as submarine matters.’  With a global membership in military and industry sectors, the Institute has a number of projects that support its objective.  It aims to provide an independent input into considerations underpinning Australia’s future submarine capability.

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